Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Subject: To err is human.
Many people don't realize this, but everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect. No one can slip by and say "I don't lie," "I'm not two-faced," "I've never back-stabbed anyone," "I don't talk about people behind their back" because you have done at least one of these in your life. No matter if it's in a positive or negative light, it's the truth and sadly, you can't escape from it. Even Mother Teresa made one mistake in her life, along with Gandhi.

The thing that utterly kills me is how so many people are hypocritical to one another. One person will make a mistake, and everyone's fine with it, and still treat them as a friend. Then, another person makes that same mistake, and it's like the whole world has ended. They'll pitch fights, claim to dislike them, and start to berate them in public for the same mistake that the first person made. I honestly don't see how this is fair. If you're willing to look past it for the first person, what makes it harder to do it for the second? I've had so many people say things like "well, I only let it slide for certain people" or "But it wasn't the first person's fault in the first place!" That's bullshit and we all know it. :/ No matter who's fault it is, it happened. And what makes it even worse is that a lot of the time, most people will high-five their friends for what's happened, where at the same time, they'll shun others for doing the exact same thing.

Both guys and girls cheat. You can't say one gender is more prominent because it isn't true. We're all capable of cheating, we're all capable of lying to our significant others because we're afraid of telling them the truth, we're all capable of losing trust. But what I don't get is how, guys will high-five each other when they cheat, yet if they find out the girl has cheated, they'll start to call them names and try their best at making them feel so low, suicide looks like a good option. And don't worry, it's not just the guys who do it either. Ladies, you'll giggle and twitter with excitement when you find out your girlfriend has just met a new guy and possibly might do stuff with him the same night she's supposed to go out on a date, yet when you find out the boyfriend was cheating, you'll go into how horrible of a person he is, and also try your best at humiliating him, or even just shunning him out of your life.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm tired of all the hypocrisy. If you're going to let someone slide for doing a certain thing, i.e. cheating, lying, back-stabbing, etc., then why not let everyone else slide with it as well? It's honestly not fair, but then again, you'd probably make an amazing defense lawyer. :/

About Me

These silly about me's really shouldn't be expressed more so on a blogger. They belong on a Myspace where the community doesn't get to dive into the mind of the person's page that they are looking at. Why put an about me on a blogger? You'll read more about the person soon enough, if you care that much about reading what they have to say. If not, then you honestly had no intention of reading their about me section anyway.


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