Friday, October 31, 2008
Subject: Halloween isn't Christmas!
Okay so, this has been a bother to me for basically years upon end. Ever since I've been a little girl, I've always wanted to understand WHY stores get ready for other holidays so early in the year. I mean, I can understand a month in advance. No use getting ready for Christmas two days before, ya know? But, when I started to work at Wal-Mart (about a week ago) they were already halfway through their Christmas season stuff. It's like, it's October. We haven't even gone through Halloween yet, and you're reminding me already that I need to buy these things for these people and get my Christmas cards? Half the people I send Christmas cards to don't get them anyway. :/

It just, it aggravates me more because it really does show how greedy our society is. They promote these holidays early in the year to make more money off of them. Companies promote their products early in the year, pushing and pushing and pushing sales, and the kids see something they want (like Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero: World Tour, Hannah Montana crap) and they beg and plead and tell mommy and daddy that they'll be good boys and girls and won't ask for anything else for Christmas. Yet, what always happens? They ask for MORE things. More presents. More products. Because companies come out with these products around the holiday season to get the parents to buy more and spend more money that they shouldn't be spending, but little Johnny and Susie want it.

I really want to know what happened to the simplicity of the holidays. Halloween used to be about cute costumes and trick-or-treating, with the simple contests of who has the better costume and who has the most candy. Now, it's all who threw the biggest party this year and who shelled out the most money to pay for the candy that's given out. You know, when I was little (which wasn't even that long ago), we had to go to at least 20 houses to get a lot of candy. I went trick-or-treating last year (yes, I still went even at 19), we only went to half my neighborhood, and my pillowcase was already half-full.

Though I sound a bit bitter, I do wish everyone a Happy Halloween, and if you took any pictures of you in your costume, be proud and show them around. I guarantee at least one person will like what you dressed up as (at work, I was a bunny with purple hair, at home I have an Alice in Wonderland costume which only Chris will see ;) ).


About Me

These silly about me's really shouldn't be expressed more so on a blogger. They belong on a Myspace where the community doesn't get to dive into the mind of the person's page that they are looking at. Why put an about me on a blogger? You'll read more about the person soon enough, if you care that much about reading what they have to say. If not, then you honestly had no intention of reading their about me section anyway.


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