"Expecting bad things to never happen to good people is like a vegetarian expecting a bull not to charge."
I have a bad habit of reading quotes when I'm bored. Quotes and icons. I usually find certain Xangas that have a lot of quotes or icons and just, sift through them, reading and taking the ones I like. I usually make them into away messages on AIM, but sometimes I'll put them into the things I make on Photoshop, but this quote is one that struck me the most because it is true.
My sister and I honestly have bad luck. Whenever something good happens to us, something worse always follows. At first, I thought it was because the universe wanted to balance things out, you know, make it so that it's always even. But yet, if something tiny makes me happy, even the smallest thing imaginable, something horrible happens. I've never understood why this happens, and up until I read this quote, I always thought it to be unfair. My sister and I are good people. Yes, we've stopped going to church. Yes, we've shoplifted. Yes, I'm bi-sexual. But, for every negative thing about us, there's always a positive to follow right along with it. So, if we've managed to balance our universe, why can't the universe balance us? That was a question I'd always ask myself whenever something bad happened to me, but this quote (you know, the one at the top of the post that I've seemingly talked through?) taught me something.
Just because you're a good person doesn't mean you should expect good treatment. Bad things are always going to happen, no matter who you are. It used to seem that everyone around me was always able to get what they want without any consequences, and at first, it didn't seem fair. I was even jealous of a few of my friends, until I learned about their pasts. Then I realized that it is true, "good things happen to those that wait." But the only problem I have for that quote is that I've always been impatient, it's why I have so much difficulty with dial-up. I always want everything then and there, so when I have to wait for something, it's hard. Half the time I even give up, not wanting to wait forever for something that should've happened sooner than the time that I was waiting. So to wait for good things to happen to me without any consequences seems impossible for me.
But I'll do it. I want to be alive when the time is come and that I do get what I deserve. Everyone around me has told me that I shouldn't wait, and that I should act just like everyone else, horrible. But that isn't me. I'm not a horrible person, and to change who I am might disrupt the universe entirely. And if it does, that would mean that I'll be setting back my chances for good things to happen to me, and that isn't what I want to do.
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